Research discovers, elucidates and evaluates new knowledge, ideas, and the technologies essential in driving the future of society and humanity. Research fosters professional excellence in faculty, important for delivering outstanding student education and training. It is considered as a means to make a University education relevant and practically useful for society. Research and innovation also contribute to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the entire University education system. Purbanchal University Research Center therefore emphasizes that the faculty and university graduates increasingly engage in research activities that contribute to the better knowledge acquisition, development, and also using the knowledge for solving local and global engineering problems.
Purbanchal University Research Center (PURC) was established in the year 2015 ??? pursuant to the Purbanchal University Act 2050 ?? The purpose of its establishment is to promote the scientific and quality research in all seven existing faculties of the university.
PURC has mandatory authority to approve research proposals, conduct multidisciplinary research and monitor their progress.